ALBION — Voters rejected a proposed marijuana licensing ordinance but passed the annual budget and a one-year moratorium on large-scale commercial solar arrays during Saturday’s annual Town Meeting.

As voters gathered at the Albion Fire Department to consider the town warrant, there was extensive discussion about the marijuana licensing ordinance and what it would mean for the town.

The proposed medical marijuana ordinance would have created a licensing process for cultivation, manufacturing and testing, as well as allow for two caregiver retail stores. It would not have permitted recreational use marijuana businesses.

Several residents expressed concern over the ordinance, and some said they hadn’t heard about the ordinance before the meeting. Select Board Chair Brent Brockway explained that a public hearing on the ordinance was held earlier this year.

Ultimately, the ordinance was rejected in a 20-51 secret ballot vote.

Residents did approve a separate ordinance which creates a one-year moratorium on large-scale commercial solar arrays in town. The ordinance was proposed to give the Planning Board time to research and understand how to regulate the projects.


All warrant articles related to the town’s $1.19 million budget were approved by voters. The budget is slightly larger than last year, with an increase of around $300,000; although it is difficult to say how it will impact the property tax rate because the school district and county budgets have not been finalized.

The vast majority of budget articles were passed as written, but article 27, which dealt with funding for town highways and bridges, was amended to increase the amount of money used from the General Fund. Brockway offered the amendment to the article, asking the amount from the general fund be increased by $100,000; coming out to be $280,000 total. The amended article was approved by voters.

Albion residents raise yellow cards as they approve an article Saturday during the Albion Town Meeting held at the firehouse in town. Rich Abrahamson/Morning Sentinel

At the start of the meeting, the results from several elections held Friday were announced. Michael Gardner was elected to a three-year term on the Select Board, as well as three-year terms for assessor and overseer of the poor.

State Sen. Scott Cyrway, a write-in candidate, was elected to a two-year term for selectman and overseer of the poor, defeating Michael Getchell. Cyrway also had the most votes for the two-year assessor position. However, according to Town Clerk Jeanie Doore, since he is a state representative, Cyrway is prohibited from holding the assessor position. Both are considered state positions since they have a direct impact on property tax rates.

Getchell, who had also been running for the two-year selectman and overseer of the poor positions, had the most votes for the assessor position after Cyrway. Following the election, he declined that position.

During Saturday’s meeting, voters also elected several people to positions on the Planning Board and the Budget Committee. For the Planning Board, Dennis McKeen was elected to a five-year term and Jana Atwood and Norman Lawrence were each elected to one-year seats. For the Budget Committee, Sonia Nelson and Julie McKenzie were each elected to three-year terms and Matt Dow and William McKenzie III were each elected to one-year positions as alternates.

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