PublishedMarch 13, 2022
Maine Gardener: A tad early, the gardening season gets off to a gentle start
Plant vegetable or flower seeds, prepare your tools, grow lettuce.
PublishedMay 16, 2021
Green Plate Special: Did you thank a farmer today?
Nationwide, farms are struggling to find enough farmhands to raise and pick crops. In Maine, legislators are considering a law to raise their pay.
PublishedApril 18, 2021
Vegetable gardening season is here: Ready, set, go
Are you a new gardener? Follow this timeline and our tips to get started this season.
PublishedApril 11, 2021
To clean the garden or not to clean? That is the question (sorry, Shakespeare)
Too much spring cleanup can hurt beneficial native insects, some experts say. But how to balance those concerns with the needs and convenience of the gardener?
PublishedMarch 14, 2021
Spring has not yet sprung, but it’s time to get started in the garden
Good chores for early spring? Sharpen tools, grow seedlings and prune.
PublishedMay 11, 2020
Storms Monday followed by breezy, chilly midweek, late week warm up
That's right. We just had a snow storm and now we're talking about some spring thunderstorms for Monday. It's looking warmer and sunnier for the end of the week.
PublishedMarch 22, 2020
Spring snowstorm Monday night, warmer for the rest of the week
The snow wraps up Tuesday morning. The warm up starts Tuesday afternoon. Spring like weather returns after the wintry start to the week.
PublishedMarch 8, 2020
Winter in northern Maine, spring in southern Maine to start off the week
It's a battle between the seasons: The County gets snow, while southwestern Maine ends up in the 60s.
PublishedMarch 1, 2020
The Maine Gardener: Waiting is wearisome. Will the season ever begin? A gardener’s lament
When all else fails, put on some tunes and sharpen your tools.
PublishedMarch 1, 2020
What’s up in March?
Betelgeuse in Orion just keeps getting more interesting.