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  • Published
    September 17, 2012

    Maine’s U.S. Senate candidates debate taxes, health care

    The debate, the third of the campaign, illustrated major policy differences between independent Angus King, Republican Charlie Summers and Democrat Cynthia Dill.

  • Published
    September 17, 2012

    Sierra Club endorses King in Senate race

      PORTLAND — The Sierra Club has endorsed Maine independent Angus King in the race to fill the U.S Senate seat being vacated by Republican Olympia Snowe. Steve Mistler has the details in his Capitol Ticker blog.

  • Published
    September 16, 2012

    Truth Test: Republican ad fails to get facts, period

    It attacks two Senate candidates: independent Angus King over a loan he didn't benefit from and Democrat Cynthia Dill over bills that died before affecting taxpayers.

  • Published
    September 16, 2012

    Gaffe thrusts Maine into power struggle to control U.S. Senate

    The outcome here takes on new importance after a Missouri candidate’s remarks prompt Republicans to throw up their hands there.

  • Published
    September 15, 2012

    Wind deal dogs Angus King

    When Angus King launched his wind energy business in 2007, the notion of clean power was gaining popularity and the former governor was anxious to be its pitchman. “I’m excited about it,” King said at the time. “I hope it’s a positive experience for us and for Maine.” King is still positive about wind power, […]

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  • Published
    September 15, 2012

    Angus King defends his wind career

    The former Maine governor and his former business partner in a wind farm project dismiss recent Republican attacks as having no basis in fact.

  • Published
    September 13, 2012

    Bill Nemitz: GOP fires more silly stuff at Angus King

    David Sorensen reminds me of the kid who murders both of his parents and then asks the judge for mercy because he's an orphan . . .

  • Published
    September 13, 2012

    In debate, Maine candidates differ on energy issues

    Republican U.S. Senate candidate Charlie Summers said during a debate Thursday that he doesn't believe humans are the primary cause of climate change.

  • Published
    September 13, 2012

    Senate candidates support Obama on Libya attacks

    Two of the three also rebuke Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for his criticism of the president's response before the extent of the attack was clear.

  • Published
    September 12, 2012

    Dill chooses to do her job instead of debating rivals

    As Cynthia Dill settled in to teach her government class Wednesday at Southern Maine Community College, one of her students asked an obvious question . . .