Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    Mural’s alleged location could violate several laws

    The article appearing on page B4 of the April 2 Kennebec Journal, “Lawsuit filed over mural’s removal,” reads, “He believes the mural is being stored in an electrical closet at the Department of Labor.” An electrical room is not an approved or appropriate storage room. If this allegation is correct, it may be a violation […]

  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    Mural removal first salvo in weakening protections

    The mural removed from the Maine Department of Labor offices by order of Gov. Paul LePage was commissioned, created and installed as a way to illustrate a bit of the history of the American workplace. As executed by artist Judy Taylor, the mural is a powerful reminder of the reasons our laws contain the worker […]

  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    LePage should be held responsible for his conduct

    It has been embarrassing to read about the governor’s gaffes in national publications, and to see his actions spoofed on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show. This latest issue about the mural, however, feels very much like bullying. It was clear that it was not a popular idea; but instead of inviting discourse on the subject, Gov. […]

  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    Some ideas for murals looking at business side

    I had to write this letter to express my displeasure for Paul LePage’s latest fiasco, which involves the murals that were hanging in the Department of Labor. LePage calls them one-sided and against his pro-corporate ideals. Well here’s an idea for him: Let’s put the murals back where they are, and he can add murals […]

  • Published
    April 12, 2011

    Waste Management wants new law just for it

    Waste Management in Norridgewock wants to expand, but not upwards, on the footprint of the land they already own. They want to break the 1989 law that said no commercial dump could expand on land they didn’t own in 1989. The Norridgewock landfill has about 12 years of capacity left. That law was put in […]

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  • Published
    April 12, 2011

    Bottle bills would lead to employees losing jobs

    On Friday, the Joint Standing Committee on Environmental and Natural Resources will hold public hearings on LD 728 and LD 1063. L.D. 728 is designed to reduce truck travel caused by the bottle redemption laws. The force behind this act is the Maine Beverage Association, which claims wholesale delivery trucks use too much fuel picking […]

  • Published
    April 12, 2011

    ‘Actions speak louder than words’

    I read Sen. Roger Katz’s column, “Government By Disrespect” in Monday’s newspaper. Katz and his colleagues well know they need damage control as our current governor and his indiscretions (to put it politely) have been the greatest recruiting incentive Maine Democrats and progressives have had in years. Distancing oneself from someone who is rapidly becoming […]

  • Published
    April 12, 2011

    ‘Robo-call’ against senator skewed the facts

    Last week, I received an automated phone call from a group known as Americans for Prosperity criticizing our local state senator, Sen. David Trahan, R-Waldoboro, about votes made in the Taxation Committee. The caller said Trahan voted “against family farms and against repealing the death tax.” Those who know Dave like I do knew there […]

  • Published
    April 11, 2011

    LePage supporter asks if he has ability to lead

    My first-ever foray into politics was supporting Paul LePage’s quest to be governor. I attended rallies, donated money and spoke about LePage to everyone I met. I even put a sign on my lawn, which may not seem like a big thing to many, but for me it was a huge step in a direction […]

  • Published
    April 11, 2011

    LePage, so far, has created only 1 job: his daughter’s

    Gov. Paul LePage removing the mural shows how out of touch he is. The governor really missed the boat on the significance of the “worker’s mural.” If he were to travel this nation, he would find that Maine has a reputation of having some of the hardest working people in America. Our workforce should be […]