Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    April 14, 2011

    Mainers should support citizens’ recall petition

    The citizens of this great state of Maine have no legal or constitutional recourse in the event of an unfair or undemocratic election. This, I believe, is an affront to the very foundation of this democratic nation. I live and work in this wonderful state and Paul LePage’s political, business, ethical and social philosophies and […]

  • Published
    April 14, 2011

    Wind power worth lots of money to developers

    Research and study by concerned Maine people and groups have revealed the keys to understanding the hard and fast promotion of industrial wind in Maine. Quite simply, wind power is being promoted because of how much it’s worth in government subsidy dollars to the developer for towers it can erect quickly, no matter how short-lived. […]

  • Published
    April 14, 2011

    ‘Truth and facts don’t matter’ in GOP-run states

    Kudos to those GOP senators signing the op-ed piece: “Government by Disrespect.” They’re missing a nastier issue, however: The attack on Maine seniors, families and working people, while increasing handouts to the rich, that’s being replicated in all GOP-run states. Why are different states being attacked with the same strategy? Why do the various bills […]

  • Published
    April 14, 2011

    Word ‘kleptocracy’ seems to fit our government

    I’m getting confused. First of all, when the Democrats in Congress were trying were trying to pass the health care bill, all of our tea party friends were saying “hands off my Medicare.” I agree with them. It’s a good idea to save Medicare. So, anyway, they went and elected a bunch of their guys […]

  • Published
    April 14, 2011

    Give LePage a chance to do what he promised

    The people of Maine are tired of being among the top taxed and lowest paid nationally. It took years of thinking that the tax dollar was as easy to come by as the waves breaking on the Maine coast. Maine is now nearly bankrupt. We are constantly losing our greatest resource — our next generation […]

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  • Published
    April 14, 2011

    Optimism throughout state for LePage’s leadership

    I am tired of the constant bashing of our new governor. Yes, he has done some things that I probably would not have done, but after 30-plus years of same-party rule, it will take a while to get used to leading, and mistakes will be made. The good news is that everywhere I turn there […]

  • Published
    April 14, 2011

    LePage’s ‘gut responses … are trivial and weak’

    Leadership is lacking in Maine. It could be argued that three months of being governor cannot possibly be enough time to evaluate a leader, but I disagree. Paul LePage has demonstrated his fundamental style of leadership. We have been able to see how he deals with conflict, dissension, compromise and public discourse. Mainers heard LePage’s […]

  • Published
    April 14, 2011

    Senators’ piece had its good points, and not so good

    I read the op-ed piece written by Sens. Roger Katz and Brian Langley that was co-signed by my senator, Tom Saviello, in this newspaper. I very much appreciated the sentiment expressed that Gov. Paul LePage’s tone, demeanor and belittling comments have no place in Maine political discourse. Putting people down, dismissing their concerns and removing […]

  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    Better things to focus on than whoopie pies, murals

    Whoopie pies and the labor mural are about the only news we have read in the newspaper or have seen on local television channels. The whoopie pie story is a joke, considering all the problems we actually have to address in the state. How many Mainers ever heard about or saw the mural before it […]

  • Published
    April 13, 2011

    When will LePage realize he’s ‘not helping Maine’

    Last week, we flew at 30,000 feet from San Francisco to Boston after one month abroad with no Internet, radio or TV. No news, is good news, I thought. How wrong I was. I walked to the back of the plane for some exercise and a glass of water. “Where are you from?” the flight […]