As part of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s commitment to supporting the prevention and treatment of cancer and the work of the Maine Children’s Cancer Program, 8-year-old Aiden Palmer of Readfield was honored as an Anthem Hero at Hadlock for the courage he has displayed battling leukemia at a young age.

Aiden, the son of Michelle Fiori and George Palmer, is the first of four Anthem Heroes at Hadlock to be recognized during the 2023 season. The ceremony took place prior to the June 11 Portland Sea Dogs game at Hadlock Field in Portland.

Aiden Palmer, 8, of Readfield, with Portland Sea Dogs mascot Slugger after running the bases before the June 11 game at Hadlock Field. Aiden was honored as an Anthem Hero at Hadlock for the courage he has displayed battling leukemia at a young age. Submitted photo

“Aiden has been through so much over the last year, and we are all inspired by his resilience and determination to beat cancer,” said Denise McDonough, president of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Maine, according to a news release from Anthem.

Just days after his 8th birthday, Aiden’s mother noticed that his fingernail beds had turned blue. After visiting their local doctor’s office for bloodwork, his mother received a call that evening and was told to take Aiden to The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital immediately after hearing the words that no parent wants to hear: “He may have cancer.”

After arriving at the children’s hospital, their worst nightmares were confirmed as Aiden received his diagnosis: leukemia. Aiden spent two weeks in the hospital and was discharged after six transfusions, spinal taps, multiple surgeries, and chemotherapy. Two weeks later, he was taken by helicopter to Portland with infections in his heart and lungs. He lost the ability to walk and was hospitalized for four more weeks.

Aiden was eventually discharged with a walker and wheelchair, but unfortunately, the obstacles did not stop there; he has had to undergo additional rounds of chemotherapy, surgeries and hospital stays over the last nine months since his diagnosis. Despite the hardships that he has faced, Aiden remains resilient and determined to beat his cancer.


“We’re grateful for Anthem’s long-time support of this special program,” said Grace Jandro, philanthropy manager at the Maine Children’s Cancer Program. “These ceremonies not only recognize the bravery of our patients, but afford them and their families a memorable evening at the ballpark and hopefully, a respite from their hardships.”

The Anthem Heroes at Hadlock program provides children who have battled a serious medical condition a once-in-a-lifetime experience at Hadlock Field. Each honoree takes a celebratory home run lap around the bases of Hadlock Field prior to a Portland Sea Dogs home game. The children and their families also receive other VIP privileges at the game.

The Anthem Heroes at Hadlock program will recognize three more courageous kids this season prior to the games on July 7, July 23 and Sept. 1.


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