On March 23, this newspaper chose to publish an opinion column headlined “Tom Waddell: Maine’s crisis pregnancy centers only serve to deceive” that, ironically enough, was meant to deceive it’s readership, taint the great work and reputation of Maine Pregnancy Centers (MPCs), and spread ill will toward them.

What’s equally disturbing is the KJ’s lack of discretion in providing an opinion platform for false and hateful content about the MPCs that serve pregnant women and their children in a loving, compassionate and life-giving manner.

Let’s look at some genuine deception: The article uses the phrase “genuine pregnancy centers” to refer to Maine Family Planning and Planned Parenthood, and suggests MPCs name their centers with names similar to these in order to deceive women seeking abortion. Here are most of the names of the MPCs listed in the article: Abba Women’s Choice, Alpha PRC, Birthline Pregnancy Support Services, Care Net of Mid-Coast Maine, Central Maine Pregnancy Center, Crossroads Life Options, First Choice Pregnancy Center, First Step, Hope House, Open Arms Pregnancy Center, Pregnancy Care Center, and Zoe, A Women’s Center.  Do these sound anything like Maine Family Planning or Planned Parenthood? No, their very names sound like places to support pregnant mothers and their unborn babies.

Here’s more genuine deception. The article states the likes of MPCs are “masquerading as women’s healthcare centers.” Nothing is further from the truth. They are clearly pregnancy centers and don’t pretend to provide anything other than women’s services and support related to pregnancy. Their websites and literature verify that. Moreover, MPCs provide literature and education on the risks involved with abortion.

The reality is, MPCs primary goal is to encourage and support women through their pregnancy, preparing them for having their unborn baby and after delivery of their child. This is the opposite mission of Maine Family Planning and Planned Parenthood.

We know that Maine Family Planning and Planned Parenthood encourage women to kill their unborn children through abortion. If you’ve never seen videos from LiveAction and Project Veritas you can YouTube it and see it first hand. It’s the biggest money-maker. They also provide all sorts of services, devices, birth control and abortifacients to keep women from getting pregnant, having babies or having families. Do you now see the irony in their names: Maine Family Planning, Planned Parenthood?  There are no families being planned or parents to be had in getting services from these entities.


Concerning providing “genuine” women’s health services, here are some stats re: Planned Parenthood. “The long-term trends are even more revealing. Between 2009 and 2019, the number of abortions performed by Planned Parenthood increased by 7.7 percent. However, during this time Planned Parenthood has provided significantly fewer health services. Breast exams fell by over 63 percent, pap tests fell by over 64 percent, HPV vaccinations fell by more than seven percent, and prenatal services fell by more than 72 percent. These numbers demonstrate that Planned Parenthood is steering resources away from women’s health and toward abortion.” (Source: lozierinstitute.org)

It is not necessary to be Christian to want to journey with pregnant women and support them in having their children. But it is a logical fit and a good one at that. Christians beliefs are grounded in love, virtue, truth, selflessness, and life-giving actions especially as it relates to efforts to stop the killing of unborn children by abortion. They also have great interest in assisting women post delivery. Most have an informed-conscience grounded in the teaching of love and mercy that has been around over 2000 years.

Note there are thousands of Atheists nationwide invested in these life-giving efforts from a scientific and human rights standpoint. Organizations like Secular Pro-Life and Rehumanize International are both headed by atheists. You will not see anti-choice extremism or religious fanaticism at these or other websites as the article attempted to portray anti-abortion supporters and Christians.

It’s true an unborn child is a living, growing, individual and in most cases a healthy human being with its own DNA. In the vast majority of cases the mother is also healthy. The innocent, unborn children are being directly and intentionally killed. Abortion, therefore, is intrinsically evil on its face.

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