Twice, by a 6-2 vote, Councilor Mark O’Brien lost on motions to hold the Augusta election for mayor on March 15.

The election will be June 7, so voters can study the choice. I believe, Bill Stokes’ opponent tried to “rush it” thinking that ballot name recognition would prevail.

Twenty-one years in municipal office with a very lackluster record, in my opinion, is not a reason to be our next mayor. Stokes is an exciting new candidate with impressive credentials.

He will provide the kind of new leadership, new ideas and personality needed to move the city forward. I feel voters are seeking a candidate with the “right stuff,” not just more of the same “old stuff.”

Stokes has a platform and a plan — visit Who we elect as next mayor is a critical choice for Augusta’s future.

Stokes will be another great mayor.

Don Roberts


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