The blood tests came back showing levels of PFAS 200 times that of the average American. Should they be concerned? Johanna and Adam, owners and operators of Songbird Farm, discovered their water, soil, produce, and their blood tested high in PFAS chemicals. Biosolids (sludge from municipal and industrial waste) were spread on their land about 20 years before they purchased the farm. Tests for their well water came back at 400 times the state recommended limit. Tomatoes and spinach are their most profitable crop and they are contaminated. Their goal as farmers is to produce food that is beneficial to eat. How can they sell food if it is contaminated?

The state promoted and licensed the spreading of biosolids. Now the state needs to help or these farms will go out of business. After Songbird Farm’s water tests came back, the state installed a water system in their house to remove PFAS from the water. That was much appreciated but there is still PFAS in their soil and bodies. They are not the only farm affected.

View testimony of L.D. 2013 on the legislature’s website and urge your reps to support the bill. The EPA lists high risk of cancer, thyroid and kidney disease as well as many other concerning issues especially for children. The 3-year-old who lives at Songbird Farm breathes the farm as much as they do. His future is at risk.


Jill and Zachary Davis


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