Artwork titled 4 Tinkers by Rachael Richmond. Contributed photo

WASHINGTON — The Gibbs Library staff has just had the pleasure of hanging a watercolor show at the library at 40 Old Union Road. The show includes sea creatures and other animals, and one landscape. It is a must-see for all ages. The artist is Rachael Richmond from Jefferson, and the show will run through December.

Richmond is a Maine-based watercolor artist. Her work is primarily representations of animals — lots of fish, shellfish, birds and farm animals, with an occasional landscape or boat. She does some commissions as well, again, mostly of animals. She wants her art to generate the viewers’ memories of things or places they have seen.

Richmond attended the University of Southern Maine where she studied art education (where, ironically, painting was her least favorite art form). She gets her inspiration from places she spends time at, including her hometown of Caribou in Aroostook County, her farm in Jefferson, and her parents’ home in Little Deer Isle on the coast of Maine. In addition to painting, she is a full-time teacher in Jefferson.

To see more of her artwork, visit her Facebook page, Watercolor Fish at

For more information, call the library at 207-845-2663.

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