I am a lifelong liberal Democrat, who in my career only wanted to help a river heal, which with my dedicated staff we were able to achieve. In other words, I believe in science, as did the people I worked with for almost four decades.

With that clear, I subscribe to the Maine Republicans’ news releases. I found both the radio address by Rep. Peter Lyford, R-Eddington, and the Dec. 12 attacks against our governor’s constitutional right to protect the health and well-being of Mainers by Sen. Jeff Timberlake, R-Turner, irresponsible and dangerous — not only to everyone’s health but also a threat to our constitution.

Maine Republicans would rather have us be like North and South Dakota. Both of those states have Republican governors and Republican-controlled legislatures. They have a population density of one quarter of Maine’s yet they lead our nation in infections and deaths per capita.

That’s what Republicans wish for Mainers. They want us to become infected, fall ill, and have momre of us potentially die. Hard words, but the truth. Why? Because all they care about is power and money.

Just look at what is happening not only in our hospitals but hospitals and morgues across our country right now. These numbers are real people and despite the vaccine are going to get worse in the next two to three months. Already over 300,000 Americans have died. Republicans have lost the right to claim they are pro-life every again.


Michael Grove



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