I am in support of Ray Caron to represent Winslow and southern edge of Benton in the Legislature. Ray has ably led the Winslow Town Council for several years with a steady grasp of all issues that came before it. I have been particularly grateful for his support of the public trails that access the beautiful eastern shoreline of the Kennebec River.

As state representative, I foresee Ray being equally thoughtful and considerate of other issues that will affect not only Winslow and Benton residents. These will include environmental issues, especially climate change. Such items will loom large on the upcoming legislative agenda, following the issuance of the Maine Climate Council’s recommended Climate Action Plan.

I urge you to vote for Ray Caron to represent Winslow and a portion of Benton in the Maine House. He’s our man.


Peter Garrett, Ph.D. 

Maine State Coordinator, Citizens Climate Lobby


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