Whenever I hear about any proposed project being considered in Maine, I wonder what is in it for Maine. Applying this standard to CMP’s proposed corridor easily reveals the answer as “not much.”

Since CMP is owned by Avangrid, which is in turn owned by Iberdrola of Spain, the majority of the profit will not stay in Maine. It will leave the state and go to a foreign company. As former Republican state Sen. Tom Saviello has said multiple times, the corridor will benefit Avangrid to the tune of $60 million annually for 20 years.

As part of my analysis of any proposal, I also consider the return on investment. Since the power generated will be used exclusively by Massachusetts, again the benefit to Maine is “not much.” Meanwhile the environmental impact to our western Maine region is huge. This corridor will bisect one of the few remaining contiguous forests east of the Mississippi. It will disrupt animal migration routes, vernal pools and brook trout streams.

Obviously the goal of any company is to turn a profit; however, Maine residents must understand that this corridor will generate a significant income for a foreign company. Don’t let the $16.7 million that has spent on advertising influence you into thinking this corridor will benefit Maine or its residents. New England Clean Energy Connect will generate significant profits for CMP, Avangrid, and Iberdrola, while leaving a mess in Maine. On the November referendum, vote yes to protect our Maine way of life.


Linda Woods


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