Healthy Living for ME is now offering free Virtual Tai Chi for Health and Balance and Better Health Now programs that participants can join in from home, according to a news release from Stephane Hanner, community engagement officer with Spectrum Generations.

Virtual Tai Chi for Health and Balance transforms the popular Tai Chi program to a virtual environment. This 16-session class can help quiet the mind with slow methodical movements that have been proven to improve balance and lessen the pain associated with arthritis.

Better Health Now is a six-week interactive program that can be completed from the comfort of participant’s home and includes weekly support calls with a certified facilitator. Participants learn techniques for action planning, problem solving, decision making, and more.

For more information or to register, visit, email or call 800-620-6036.

Healthy Living for ME is a statewide network of evidence-based programs that empower adults to address and better manage their health issues.

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