In a world where at least 40% of all food produced goes to waste while many are hungry, it is encouraging to know that there is a group in Waterville that is addressing this problem.

Many people in Waterville and the surrounding communities face food insecurity every day. This is not due to an insufficient amount of food. There is plenty of food in the Kennebec Valley. This is a problem of distribution.

The folks at Central Maine Gleaners are a group of community volunteers who are working to connect those who have excess food with those who are food insecure.

Gleaning is the act of gathering leftover, excess or edible food that would normally go to waste from farmers’ fields, markets, and prepared food vendors. This is then redistributed to community members who are struggling to meet their family’s nutritional needs. We redistribute food through programs such as the Alfond Youth Center, local food banks, the Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter, and the Evening Sandwich Program at the Universalist Unitarian Church.

Since May 2019 we have gleaned,
• 2,120.4 pounds of food from Maine General
• $2,695 worth of produce from the farmers’ market
• 1,821.5 pounds from local farms

We are always looking for volunteers for a variety of tasks. From going to the field to pick produce to transporting prepared foods to community partners, we have tasks for everyone. Be the hand that takes what would become garbage and pass it on to those who can use it. Help feed the world. If you garden you might consider planting an extra row to donate to Central Maine Gleaner. We will see that it is well distributed. If you would like to help please contact Steve Knight at


Marian Flaherty


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