I’ve seen recent stories about one of the groups that is supporting a vote on the NECEC transmission line. I am bothered by reports that the same people who were working on the campaign were also notarizing petitions — a clear conflict of interest. Even more troubling, some Mainers have submitted affidavits to the Kennebec County superior court stating that their signatures had been forged on the petitions. That should never happen. Given all of this, I don’t know how Mainers can feel good about what’s happening.

Countless Mainers have worked hard on this issue, and it’s a shame that their efforts have been compromised by out-of-state political operatives willing to stoop to these lows for the sake of making a quick buck. Despite how you feel about the merits of the NECEC, no one should feel comfortable with our laws being broken.


John Morris

West Gardiner

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