President Donald Trump has been impeached and, sadly, Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader, and his caucus will not remove him from office. Now is the time for the voting public to do what the Senate will not do — remove a president impeached for committing high crimes and misdemeanors — by voting for his opponent in the 2020 election. So far, Trump’s reign — three years and counting — has been bad enough. But if he has another four years to ignore our Constitution and other laws with no consequences, then we will lose the balance of powers that are so important to democracy.

Trump’s support, marginal at best, is waning. Most women opposed electing Trump in 2016 and a recent Gallup poll shows many more women — about 71 percent – support removing him from office.

The number of Christians who don’t support Trump is growing too. Liberal Christians never supported him but not as a unified force — until now. The Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty sponsored Christians Against Christian Nationalism, a group of multiple liberal Christian denominations that encourages all Americans, regardless of faith, to oppose Trump’s Christian nationalist agenda, something most Christians do not support. Opposing Christian nationalism will protect “religious liberty for all (by) defending the separation of church and state,” the group says.

Opposing Christian nationalism has broad support from all Americans. A Morning Consult survey found that roughly half of registered voters view Christian nationalism as “a threat to the vital interests of the country.”

Christianity Today, a fundamentalist Christian magazine, recently published an article opposing Trump on moral grounds. Their opinion is that Trump’s attempt to use his political power for personal political gain violates the Constitution and is profoundly immoral too. The magazine writes that one reason Trump supporters don’t see this is Trump has “dumbed down the idea of morality in his administration” and “His Twitter feed alone — with its habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders — is a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused.”

Some evangelical supporters cite his Supreme Court nominees (and) his defense of religious liberty” to justify their support. The magazine countered that “None of the president’s positives can balance the moral and political danger we face under a leader of such grossly immoral character.”


Trump’s approval rating is less than 40 percent so voting him out of office should be an easy task. Unfortunately tens of millions of eligible voters have not registered to vote. The Pew Research Center reports about 25 percent of registered voters did not vote in the 2016 election either; that’s about twice the number of registered voters who didn’t vote in 2012.

One reason for not voting — primarily from liberals — is a dislike of both candidates; a fact that strengthens the observation that liberals fall in love and conservatives fall in line. The political polling analyst website FiveThirtyEight writes, “Registered voters who identified as Democrats and independents were more likely than Republicans to stay home.” If the vast majority of these conservative, liberal, and independent voters had voted, Trump would not be president today.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the turnout for all eligible voters in the last three presidential elections was about 63 percent, but turnout from registered voters was about 88 percent. Clearly voter turnout is high if one registers to vote, but there is the rub. In the last three presidential elections only about 70 percent of eligible voters were registered. The key to electing leaders that a true majority of Americans supports is getting more Americans registered to vote and encouraging them to vote regardless of the choices.

It is an historical fact that as the voting population goes up, the chances of electing moderate statesmen who work for the people goes up. History also tells us that political ideologues who work for the party and not the people have a greater chance of winning as the voting population goes down.

So what will you do in the next nine months to get out the vote? An easy thing is bring a friend registered to vote but doesn’t or another friend who is not registered — Maine has same-day voter registration — to the primaries and the general election. Holding a house party in your area for a local candidate is an excellent opportunity to get out the vote and help to elect your candidate.

Tom Waddell is president of the Maine Chapter of the Freedom from Religion Foundation. He can be reached at:

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