Another coastal storm is expected to hit Maine late Thursday night. Friday morning will feature stronger wind gusts and steady rain.

Showers start up on Thursday and linger through most of the day. We become progressively more breezy as we get into the evening hours on Thursday. This could have some impact on Halloween plans, though the worst of it holds off until after Halloween festivities wrap up.

Temperatures stay mild and we likely see temperatures in the 60s through the evening. Some spots will be close to 70 degrees around midnight and into the early hours of the morning on Friday.

Rain becomes increasingly steady and will be prevalent overnight Thursday into Friday. Wind will be out of the south. Sustained winds could be in the 20 mph to 30 mph range.

Forecast wind gusts for Friday, November 1.

Wind gusts will peak early Friday morning. Most of Maine will see wind gusts approach 45 mph and some areas may exceed that. Parts of inland Maine, especially in the higher elevations, will be more likely to approach 50 mph gusts. Sections of the Midcoast and Downeast Maine could see gusts around 60 mph with localized spots on the coastline approaching the low 60 mph range.

Power outages will be possible by Friday morning, especially in areas that still have a lot of leaves on trees. It is also important to note that soil moisture remains high. This makes it easier for trees to get blown over in the softer, saturated soil.

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