“A Night in Havana!” by pianist George Lopez will be presented by ArtsFarmington at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 24, in the Nordica Auditorium, Merrill Hall, University of Maine in Farmington.

Lopez is passionate about Cuban composes and their works. Following a recent trip to Cuba, he brings the wealth of Cuban music to his American audiences with “A Night in Havana!”, an evening of sexy and entertaining keyboard music inspired by the city considered to be the Vegas before there was a Vegas.

With its lively and offbeat rhythms and sweet melodies, Lopez will perform works by the greatest Cuban art composers from past to present. Ending the evening will be the popular “Malagueña” by the great Ernesto Lecuona, known as “…the Gershwin of Havana”.

George Lopez, the Beckwith Artist-in-Residence at Bowdoin College, has been a dynamic performer and educator for more than 25 years. He is known on several continents for his performance of the standard repertoire as well as being a champion of newly-written works. He recently premiered a piano concerto composed for him here in Maine and is comfortable in styles of music ranging from jazz and ragtime to more contemporary improvisation.

Tickets will cost $12 for adults, free for those 18 and younger or UMF students with ID, $5 for college students from other schools with ID.

For more information, email president@artsfarmington.org.

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