If our world is in complete disarray, let’s look at what surrounds us today.

Climate change has become the new religion of progressive choice, and environmental concern is the new moral issue demanding citizen involvement. We should be good stewards of God’s earth. But in no way does that diminish our grave responsibility to uphold and fight for the sanctity of human life in all its stages.

When the killing of over 60 million unborn babies hardly gets our collective dander up, something is drastically wrong. Why?  Because society has had 50 years of conditioning to accept abortion as “health care” for women.

Constant hype from our media, and collaboration even from some of our churches, reflects the tragedy of such liberal spoon-feeding to the public.

Our value system is decaying more and more, year after year. However, this is what happens when we as a people try to negate God out of our lives. Only more of the same will follow unless we change course.


Pat Truman


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