PALERMO — Palermo Community Library will welcome Logan Parker of the Maine Natural History Observatory for a lecture about Maine nightjar monitoring at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 22, at the library at 2789 Route 3. Nightjars are medium-sized nocturnal or twilight-active bird characterized by long wings, short legs and very short bills, according to a news release from the library’s Board of Trustees.
Logan, a Palermo resident, is an assistant ecologist and founder of the Maine Nightjar Monitoring Project. This statewide citizen science project is collecting observations of whip-poor-wills, nighthawks, and other nocturnal birds, some of which are facing widespread declines.
Those who attend can learn about the natural history of Maine’s nightjars and the efforts involved in monitoring these fascinating birds throughout the state, from Eliot to Calais, Kennebunk to Baxter State Park. The project is recruiting volunteers to adopt monitoring routes or simply make observations of nightjars in their own backyard.
The lecture is free. For questions or more information, contact the library at 993-6088 or
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