Maine-ly Harmony women’s barbershop chorus recently installed its 2019-20 officers.

Serving the chorus are President BJ Sylvester-Pellett, of Winthrop; Vice President Candace Pepin, of Augusta; Secretary Barbara Combs, of Topsham; Treasurer Janet Dunham, of Belgrade; and members-at-large, Kathy Joyce, of Bowdoinham, and Jenny Clair, of China Village.

Installing officer was Sue Staples, of Bangor, and membership representative was Nancy Bossie, of Chelsea.

Directed by Kathy Greason of Brunswick, the chorus welcomes singers to visit their 6:30 p.m. rehearsals Wednesdays at the Emmanuel Lutheran Episcopal Church, 209 Eastern Ave., in Augusta.

Anyone interested in scheduling the chorus to perform for a special event or fundraiser should contact Nancie Hugenbruch at 293-4779 or

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