Auditions for two young performers will be held by appointment only on Saturday, Aug. 19, at The Public Theatre in Lewiston. This is an exciting opportunity for two talented young performers to work alongside professional actors.

The Public Theatre is looking for a young boy or girl to play the role of child/Tiny Tim in its annual production of “A Christmas Carol” and a young girl who appears to be 13 for the role of Becky in “Incident at Our Lady of Perpetual Help.”

Ideally, the young actor in “A Christmas Carol” will be no taller than 5 feet and appear younger than 13 years of age. We’re looking for a young actor with a sense of innocence and wonder capable of memorizing some of Dickens’ language. The young performer for “A Christmas Carol” must be available for rehearsals and performances from Nov. 27-Dec. 10. This job is a paid position. Being a professional theatre, this is an intense two-week commitment of time that will require missing some school for rehearsals and performances.

We are also looking for a young actress for the role of Becky in the comedy, “Incident at our Lady of Perpetual Help.” Becky is an unusual young girl. Bright and verbal. Full of energy and a crazy-huge imagination, she is a precocious fan of classic movies and imagines herself to be a junior version of a private eye. She likes to dress up like Philip Marlowe in a film noir who cracked cases in films in the 1930s and ’40s. This young actress will need to be available Jan. 8-Feb. 4. The job is a paid position that will require missing some school for rehearsal and performances.

If you are interested in auditioning, please call the office at 207-782-2211 with your child’s name and age, to set up an audition appointment and we will email you the audition material we would like to see prepared.

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