The Christian nationalists driving the Republican bus continue oppressing people (LGBTQIA+, immigrants, women, and minorities) and accept no concessions. They believe they’ve made concessions by allowing the progressives tiny advances. They believe, because of “liberals” society is going to hell in a handbasket. These “rights,” and other modern movements, have to be reined in and they will choose the new laws and rights as dictated by their version of right and wrong in their holy book. They don’t want separation of church and state, combining only their religion. Sounds like the Taliban to me.

In the past, we would laugh off these misogynists because they were few and didn’t exert much influence. Things have changed. They have organized. There is now a concerted effort taking place, all over the country, within private associations, PACS, foundations, etc.; to write bills for federal and state legislatures, develop publicity events, and raise money to further their cause. And, it includes inserting themselves into positions of influence at colleges, school boards, government, regulation authorities, voting supervision, and public speaker bureaus to make sure things go their way.

Millions of oppressed people all over the world are demanding a different system of government. It is necessary to achieve an end to militarism, sex trafficking, hunger and poverty, oppression, and degradation of humans, animals, and the planet. The old system run by the wealthy, lying, cheating, war-hungry, corrupt ruling class is supported by politicians in both houses of Congress, and in every state government, with benefits for acquiescence.

Humanity needs a giant change; bigger than is imagined. We are dancing around with nuclear war and the end of everything. There’s only one way to describe our situation. Fascist capitalist imperialism; either it’s over or we’re over.

Daryl S. Shaw


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