DRESDEN — Police set up roadblocks on several roads in Dresden and Wiscasset on Saturday afternoon and into the evening.
While no law enforcement official was immediately available to comment, residents say they were instructed to turn around when they reached the roadblocks.
Residents reported seeing both law enforcement and a helicopter apparently conducting a search in a heavily wooded area along the Dresden-Wiscasset line on Saturday afternoon.
Both law enforcement and fire trucks were blocking Old County Road at Lowell Town Road and Gibbs Road. Old County Road turns into Calls Hill Road in Dresden. Access to Orchard Hill Road was blocked at Route 127, also known as Middle Road.
Dresden resident Rose Beckwith said she was was stopped on Calls Hill Road and was told to turn around.
“I didn’t even know the road was closed,” Beckwith said. “I thought it was a bit odd there was no traffic going by.”
She said she had seen both Lincoln County Sheriff’s deputies on the road and a low-flying helicopter overhead.
“I’m just glad I was was able to go back home and not (be) stuck waiting this out elsewhere,” Beckwith said.
Tiffany Gagne was not as fortunate. She was headed home and was turned away around 4 p.m. and was told there was a dangerous man at large.
“Our neighbor said there was a SWAT team and heavy police presence,” she said.
Shortly after 8 p.m., she said she learned the road to her home was open.
This story will be updated.
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