In response to Republican Sen. Trey Stewart’s June 9 column (“The broken promises of Maine’s Gov. Mills are piling up”), I am troubled by Stewart’s conscious decision to label his political advisories as “socialists,” presumably due to his assumption that by doing so he will rally his supporters against his political advisories, i.e., the Democrats.

In this time of hyper rhetoric, when irresponsible political actors deliberately use “dog whistles” in order to rile up their base at the risk of causing stochastic terrorist attacks, such tactics are patently irresponsible. As a Persian Gulf and Cold War era veteran, I am very familiar with the very real risks posed to democratic countries by authoritarians of all persuasions. And I’m sure Steward would not want to be labeled as a “MAGA neo-fascist” either?

Leadership is about doing the right thing the right way, especially when it’s easier to follow the pack. Be better!

Brian Culverhouse

(U.S. Navy veteran)


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