When is someone going to do something about the vulgarity we put up with every day? I believe in the freedom of speech as everyone should, but there is a limit controlled by common sense which it appears that much of our younger generation doesn’t seem to follow.

The state of Maine has cracked down and stopped allowing anything suggestive or vulgar on “personal” license plates, yet we have to put up with the stickers that say, “F— Cancer”. I get it; cancer is terrible. But there are other ways of voicing an opinion, without the F-word.

Recently I have seen in Skowhegan some young guy that has on his back window of his pickup in 12-inch-tall letters, “F— your feelings”, the F-word was spelled out, and my 8-year-old granddaughter, who was riding with me behind this vehicle, asked me, “What does ‘f—‘ mean?”

Why doesn’t someone do something about this?  I am 80 years old and have used the word three times in my life and one of those times was when I had to testify in a court hearing. I don’t use it and neither does my wife, yet all day, whether you are out shopping or watching a movie, it is used as an every-day word in most people’s vocabularies male or female. It shows a lot of class, all low.

I guess when you were brought up all your life listening to it at home it is considered as a word that is justified. I don’t think that it will ever be in the dictionary!

Dominick Rinaldi Sr.


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