State Sen. Matt Harrington recently wrote about “jumping to conclusions and political posturing” by “progressives and the media” regarding gun violence. He cited Joseph Eaton’s recent horrific shooting spree in Maine. (“Commentary: Drumbeat of gun control outrage is hysterical, reckless,” July 2.)

What about a Maine woman buying guns here, shipping them to California, where gangs used them? What about gun suicide increases and polls showing 70% of voters want more thorough background checks and gun purchase delays? Can we talk?

First, Sen. Harrington serves his district’s citizens, and all of Maine, as a state senator. His service is valued by this writer.

Second, has he spoken with Mainers whose brother, parent, sister or relative was shot to death? Has he heard their pain, grief?

Third, is he willing to sit down over a beer or coffee to talk with a murdered victim’s brother and genuinely talk, listen about gun violence? This victim’s brother is willing to meet with him, with one goal in mind. Can we meet as loving parents, siblings and/or spouses to talk about reducing gun violence, saving lives, respecting gun ownership, reducing suicides and reducing guns in dangerous or emotionally ill people’s hands. If you have cancer, you want every possible tool used to cure it. Let’s apply that passion to curing gun violence. No politics. No Left or Right!

This editorial staff has my number and permission to give it to Sen. Harrington. I hope he contacts them so we can listen to each other and find solutions.

Roy Smoot


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