I recently learned of a lawsuit filed against Janet Mills, House Speaker Rachel Talbot-Ross and Senate President Troy Jackson, by an organization called “Respect Maine.”

If you recall, the Democrats caused considerable ill will when they adjourned early at the end of March in order to sneak a record-breaking, $9 billion budget past the voters, while completely shutting Republican lawmakers (and their constituents) out of the process. After Jackson and Talbot-Ross declared the Legislature’s business complete, Gov. Mills intervened and ordered them back into session, illegally, according to the lawsuit.

Surprisingly, the lawsuit makes quite a convincing case. Why didn’t the Attorney General take action? Did he even investigate? It doesn’t appear so. It’s a sad commentary on the state of our political system when our public officials work in concert to violate the Constitution and then run cover for each other, which is what is looks like.

I encourage everyone to look up this lawsuit by Respect Maine. Learning about the chicanery going on in our State House is quite eye-opening, and dismaying. We should all be paying attention to this conduct before it gets a foothold, if it hasn’t already.

Cynthia Wellito


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