I did not vote for Trump in 2020, but considering the results of what we got instead and all that has transpired since, I’m sorry I didn’t!

This crusade again Trump started in 2016 and has been non-stop since. One thing about LePage, when he said he is another Trump, was true; to wit, both are way too outspoken, albeit mainly speaking the truth, and worse they are both businessmen, which in a political world just doesn’t mix well.

That being said, I wondered why the Republican Party never got around to re-airing Mr. Trump’s bio seen on 51.4 over the air antenna. Won’t bore you with the three-hour plus bio except to say Trump and JFK had a lot in common. What impressed me most was as a teenager Trump saw West Side Story and went out, bought a switch blade and was going to become a shark just like in the movie. Trump’s dad got wind of this and sent him to NY military school, which Trump loved and set him off on his way.

Maine could learn a lot as to how Trump attacked the immigration problem. Sure, he was rough but that’s what businessmen have to be to survive. He would tell Mainers not to put refugees ahead of your own homeless and starving people. When we have none of that then and only then worry about caring for the rest of the world.

I sincerely hope Trump gets to run again or fear we will end up being “a banana republic.” Let’s hope and pray not!


Frank D. Slason


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