Gibson Fay-LeBlanc, Katherine Hagopian Berry and Meghan Sterling Submitted photo

The Author Series continues with poets Gibson Fay-LeBlanc, Katherine Hagopian Berry and Meghan Sterling at 5 p.m. on Sunday, July 16, at The Denmark Arts Center.

Gibson Fay-LeBlanc’s collection, “Deke Dangle Dive,” speaks of “risk and reward, loss and labor” notes poet Jeffrey Thomson. What is a person to do upon finding out that his older brother has six months to live? What is a father to tell his young sons about the everyday violence, inequities, and injustices of the world? What is a husband to do when confronted with his domestic foibles and failings? What can poems possibly offer us in the face of unanswerable questions? “Deke Dangle Dive” explores illness, fatherhood, brotherhood, and masculinity through a variety of lenses, including ice hockey, contemporary culture, and the natural world. This unique collection considers how poems can speak to us and through us when all seems lost.

Katherine Hagopian Berry has appeared in the Café Review, “A Dangerous New World: Maine Voices on the Climate Crisis,” “Balancing Act II: An Anthology of Poetry by Fifty Maine Women,” “Glass: Poet’s Resist,” and been a finalist and showcase performer at the Belfast Poetry Festival. Her first collection of poetry, “Mast Year,” is available from Littoral Books. She lives and writes in Bridgton, Maine.

Meghan Sterling’s debut full-length poetry collection, “These Few Seeds,” came out in 2021 and was shortlisted for the Eric Offer Grand Prize Award. Her second full-length collection, “View from a Borrowed Field,” won Lily Poetry Review’s Paul Nemser Book Prize and will come out in March 2023. Her chapbook, “Self-Portrait with Ghosts of the Diaspora” will come out in April 2023. Her third full-length collection, “Comfort the Mourners” will come out summer 2023. When she isn’t writing poetry, being a mom or running in the snow, she works as program director for the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance.

Tickets for this event are $10 or Pay What You Can. For reservations and more information go online at

The Denmark Arts Center is an award-winning 501(c)3 cultural organization founded in 1994 in the rural community of Denmark. Housed in the town’s historic 1883 Odd Fellows Hall, the DAC offers year-round events and workshops in contemporary dance, theater, music and visual art to community members young and old. DAC is at 50 West Main St., Denmark. For more information, visit

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