Recently, Pride practitioners and supporters clashed with opposition thinkers at local schools. The opposition people were likewise clashing back. Right in the middle of those disheartening events, were school administrators, trying to operate school systems without a hitch.

A negative commotion resulted, wherein a Pride flag became covered by a Trump flag, at a school. To avoid further trouble, the two flags were removed by school officials, seeking relief.

Though that withdrawal of material returned the scene back to normal status, the editorial page editor of a local newspaper, a day later, used newsprint on an editorial page, labelling the administrator’s remedial action as supporting of “bullies!” (“Ben Bragdon: Gardiner school officials remove Pride flag, and take sides with bullies,” June 15.)

What guidance do school administrators have when confronted with the subject at hand? Zilch! “Bullies” is a hurtful word. Folk with inner means of support shun its use. A particular editorial page editor should apologize, for the referenced use of it. Soon.

When do we get back to A, B, C and 1, 2, 3?

John Benoit


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