As a former respiratory therapist who back in the late 1980s helped transport a 24-week preemie girl from MaineGeneral to the Maine Medical Center NICU, I strongly oppose Gov. Janet Mills’ murderous L.D. 1619 bill legalizing abortion of viable babies up to birth. On May 1 we heard proponents use every euphemism to dehumanize precious human lives in the womb and to frame every argument into a “health of the mother” argument for dismembering healthy viable babies. This twisted logic began in 1973 when Doe v. Bolton expanded the definition of “health of the mother” to include (quote) “all factors – physical, emotional, psychological, familial and the woman’s age relevant to the well-being of the patient. All these factors may relate to health.” Thus, virtually any reason can be used to justify the dismemberment and extraction of a healthy, viable baby.

Now, imagine if our transport team had decided that this transport was just too expensive, too emotionally taxing, too undesired amongst our team so as to be “unhealthy” and we pulled off to the side of I-95 and tossed this perfect but tiny girl into the ditch and turned back home? Would you approve? Because that is exactly what Janet Mills is asking us to do — or at least to look the other way and don’t interfere.

It is time Mainers screamed “Bloody Murder!” And shame on Janet Mills for promoting this despicable bill.

Your state legislators need to hear from you now.


David Clinard


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