I find it necessary to respond to the article published in the Kennebec Journal June 8 headlined, “Groups upset over pronoun presentation”. I am a retired educator of 41 years (all in the Augusta School System) and continue to find it horrifying that there are people out there who are totally judgmental and have no respect for human rights. It is a school’s duty to its population to accept everyone and model and teach human values while introducing subject matter and enforcing hard work and respect.

Kids have a hard enough time (especially in today’s society) feeling good about themselves without jaded adults preaching what’s right or wrong and confusing them even more. It is imperative that students feel positive about who they are, and the job that they are doing. It’s not rocket science to know that kids who are confident and secure perform better and add to society, not take away from it.

Cony is a wonderful educational institution. Each teen who walks through that door knows that they will be accepted and their successes celebrated. Each teen who walks through that door feels safe and comfortable with their beliefs. Each teen knows that they can call Cony their home. It’s a wonderfully positive environment, one where success is measured by not only what knowledge a person imbues, but also their values which include respect for others and accepting all.

I fully support Kim Liscomb’s decision to hold a presentation that highlights behavior that carries the message “Respecting someone doesn’t hurt you.” It is despicable that parents found it necessary to use social media to broadcast their discontent. I wouldn’t call that effective role modeling, I’d call it poor parenting.

Let people be comfortable with themselves and celebrate hard work, discipline, respect, and caring for others. That’s what Cony (and all schools) do.


Thomas Wells


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