On Earth Day, 10 volunteers went door to door in Waterville, handing out information about rebates that Efficiency Maine gives to homeowners for improvements and upgrades that will save energy and save us money. If you weren’t home, we might have left these materials at your door. But we didn’t get to everyone in Waterville, so here’s the basic information.

Efficiency Maine is a non-profit agency that administers subsidies for energy saving projects, projects that will start saving you money immediately. The savings from some will pay for themselves in a single year, and some are paid for completely by Efficiency Maine.

Often, your first step should be to get a home energy assessment by an approved professional listed on the Efficiency Maine website. They will guide you to prioritize the energy projects that will save you the most.

Efficiency Maine offers rebates to do the energy assessment and to air-seal and insulate your home, or to pay for a geothermal system, an efficient circulator pump, or heat pumps for heating water and heating your home. They will help you to buy an efficient washing machine or electric vehicle.

I am as lazy as the next man, and I put off my home energy assessment until now. But it’s smart to jump on it. You get free money to save more money forever after, and by saving energy you will be helping our kids to have a healthy climate and a thriving economy — something we all want!


Richard Thomas


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