Recently, after a trip to gather fiddleheads, my wife discovered 11 ticks on her or on her clothing. It got me to thinking about Donald Trump and how his life, in  human terms, resembles somewhat that of a tick. Trump doesn’t produce much himself nor contribute much of a positive nature. He hangs around sullenly, waiting to suck blood out of others. When he gets embedded in people, it’s hard to get rid of him.

He’s got a hard shell and so, although you may think he’s been crushed, moments later he’s up again and slouching around looking to suck some more blood.

Ticks give us Lyme disease, and what Trump gives us is a false claim about his ability to make America “great,” as if it weren’t already. Seems to me that his plan, if he really has one, suggests the opposite. It’s a slick tick trick. Only about himself. Don’t fall for it.

Abbott Meader


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