While reading the letter “Waterville arts center not as accessible as it should be” I was appalled by an all-knowing person or “troll” in the comments. The commenter Hal wrote that letter writer Craig Pellerin went “A bit over-the-top I’d say, Craig. Don’t want to go to anything there because of door openers? Don’t get it!”

CBC04976 answers: “If you had mobility issues, you’d get it. He may feel no event there will be worth the hassle of dealing with heavy, inaccessible doors…”

Hal replied: “Well, CBC – nowhere in the article does Craig state he is in a wheelchair or disabled, in any way. He states he wouldn’t go in that building, because who-knows what else the builders didn’t incorporate into the structure. BTW I do have mobility issues – but I can open a door myself – so stow that nonsense, “IF YOU HAD MOBILITY ISSUES, YOU’D GET IT.” Facts matter, CBC!”

Tolerance, Hal, is the key word here. You “can open the door” yourself, that’s a fact, but your inability to tolerate the obvious fact that some can’t is a shameful position. You said, in so many ways, “screw all who can’t.” That is flagrantly elitist and sickening as well. One quickly written smug comment can spoil a reader’s day.

Steve Hoad


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