Life sometimes throws us curveballs, like when a family member needs our help in the case of major surgery, serious illness or injury. Federal law allows workers to take time, but without pay. People living with multiple sclerosis (MS) can face relapses that require both themselves and loved ones to miss work. Stepping in to care for our loved ones at their time of greatest need and then losing income or having to give up a job altogether to do so can be catastrophic.

This year Maine has the opportunity to establish a paid family and medical leave (PFML) benefits program, that would provide income for up to 12 weeks (and a total of 16 per year) for these serious situations. PFML works like insurance and is funded by employer/employee contributions.

Workers in 11 states and 110 countries already have PFML. Over the past 2 years, a commission has studied those programs to determine the best model for Maine—a program that would be available to companies large and small, and the self-employed.

Let’s pass paid family and medical leave for Maine workers this year.

Robin Steinwand

St. Albans

volunteer, National MS Society and AARP Maine

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