Mainers have become increasingly aware of the impact the opioid epidemic has had on the state. You or someone you know may have been affected by this epidemic in some capacity.

Opioids and other substances continue to devastate the people of Maine, with a total of 10,110 overdoses occurring statewide and an estimated total of 716 overdose deaths in the year 2022. According to the Substance Use and Mental Health Services Administration (2019), there was an increase of 200,000 people seeking substance use treatment from their primary care physician between the years of 2015 and 2019. This data highlights the prevalence of substance use in Maine and the need to increase services. So, how can we better service those with substance use disorders in Maine? Enacting L.D. 162 “An Act to Establish a Substance Use Disorder Hotline and Consultation and Clinical Supervision Program” is a step in the right direction.

L.D. 162 is a bill up for legislation that aims to create resources for healthcare professionals that provide services to individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs). These resources, available to primary care physicians (PCPs), include a Substance Use Disorder Hotline and a specialist supervision group. The hotline will be staffed by volunteers that specialize in the treatment of SUDs.

Health care professionals face many challenges in providing treatment to this population due to the intricacies of their mental and physical health. Examples of these difficulties would include a weakened immune system, co-occurring mental health diagnoses, and complications related to organ functioning. Physicians who encounter these unique challenges when supporting an individual with a SUD will be able to call the hotline and receive immediate consultation from a professional who is board certified in addiction and medicine. Other hotlines exist in Maine, such as 211 and the frontline warm line. This proposed hotline differs from already existing resources, as it will provide support specifically for the healthcare professionals who are working with individuals with SUDs.

In addition to the hotline, the bill proposed a specialist supervision group for primary care providers. Development of a professional supervision group will allow colleagues in primary care to share ideas on how best to serve patients with SUD’s. Supervision is an integral component in providing treatment to others, allowing practitioners to become aware of their own biases or ways to improve their services. This supervision would also provide an outlet for those providing services to individuals with SUDs, allowing them to vocalize any concerns or issues related to the program.

Similar models that have been introduced in other areas of the country have gained popularity. L.D. 162 drew its inspiration from a program launched in Wisconsin, which utilizes a similar treatment modality. The program in question provides a 24/7 specialist consultation for providers looking for diagnostic, resource, and medical management supportive services. So far, Wisconsin has noted positive outcomes for both providers and clients since the implementation of this program.

Support for this bill includes the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), which represents a large proportion of medical professionals, including physicians. Their support is indicative of the overall need for this service and the prevalence of individuals with SUDs being treated in primary care settings. Rep. Colleen Madigan, the bill’s primary sponsor and a Democrat from Waterville, has received support from the Maine Medical Association. She has also been engaged with those who work in the field of addiction medicine who have expressed their interest in volunteering on this hotline.

Other legislators, including Rep. Dan Shagoury, a Hallowell Democrat, and Rep. Samuel Lewis Zager, a Portland Democrat, have also vocalized their support in the passing of this bill. This legislation will have a higher chance of success if it receives the support of those living in Maine communities. If you have interest in learning more about this bill and how you can show your support, a good place to start is contacting the legislators who are actively involved.

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