I want to address a woman’s reproductive rights and the right to choose.
Ladies, this is a free country and except for rape or abuse (about 2% of abortions) a woman has the right to choose. She can choose to do something that might get her pregnant or not. If she does get pregnant, she should be responsible enough to accept the consequences of her actions, and appreciate the gift she is given.
No matter how inconvenient it might be, I have never in my life seen women be so unwilling to accept responsibility for their actions. Science proved the mother’s and father’s DNA is in the fetus at conception and now Gov. Mills wants to sign a bill allowing abortions up to nine months.
I have never seen so little respect for women, especially from the Democrats. Apparently today’s women are not capable of carrying a child for nine months and either taking care of him or her or putting the child up for adoption, and apparently murder of a living human being is OK if having a baby is inconvenient. The Democrats think so little of women that they don’t think they can finish school, pursue a career or have a life and a child.
I am sick and tired of women saying that murder is health care, and women being used as political tools for Democrat candidates to run for office and for the abortion industry to make money.
Wake up, women, you are being used, and told you are not capable of doing more than one thing at a time. Stop being so irresponsible and selfish. Take responsibility for your actions.
Connie Craven
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