Members of American Legion Auxiliary Tardiff-Belanger Unit No. 39, Madison, make turkey pies to benefit local food pantries. From left are Nancy Drew, Alice Arsenault and Val Coulombe. In the far back is Diane Pinkham. Submitted photo

The turkey pie sales were so popular last year, members of the American Legion Auxiliary Tardiff-Belanger Unit #39, Madison, decided to sell them again, according to a news release from Harriet Bryant with the auxiliary.

Members of American Legion Auxiliary Tardiff-Belanger Unit No. 39, Madison, recently made and sold 162 turkey pies, with the proceeds to benefit local food pantries.

Renys in Madison donated 100 pie plates and Apple Tree Bakery gave a discounted price for the pie boxes. Members donated turkeys and many needed items like flour, vegetables and Crisco, and their time making pies.

After expenses, $2,295 was raised and donated to five local food cupboards.

To learn more about the auxiliary’s mission or to volunteer, donate or join, visit or Those who want to join the Madison American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 39 can contact Robin Turek, president of American Legion Auxiliary Tardiff-Belanger Unit No. 39, at P.O. Box 325, Madison, ME 04950.

Turek also can be reached at or 207-696-8289.

Members of American Legion Auxiliary Tardiff-Belanger Unit No. 39 assemble boxes for homemade turkey pies to benefit local food pantries. Front from left are Irma Fluet with Lily Morgan, one of the Junior Auxiliary members. Back from left are Connie Higgs and Barbara Poissonnier. Submitted photo



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