The cast of “Clue The Musical,” from left are Angela Quirion, Charlotte Morin, Kyle Mansur, Jane Mitchell, Ken Mansur, Mary Freeman, Josh Mcdonald-Cozman. Seated: Hannah Hanson and Owen Lewis. Not pictured is Debby Mansur. Submitted photo

Monmouth Community Players announces  plan to present “Clue The Musical” at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 4 and Nov. 11 and 12 and at 2 p.m. Nov. 5, 6 and 13 at the Great Falls Performing Arts Center, 30 Academy St. in Auburn. The musical will be presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals.

Based on the popular game, “Clue The Musical” is a fun-filled musical, bringing the world’s best known suspects to life. Was it Professor Plum in the library with the candlestick? Or maybe Miss Scarlett in the dining room with the rope? Or perhaps any one of 216 possibilities, which the audience is invited to help solve? That’s right, the audience will help solve the crime using clues provided throughout the fun-filled evening! The clues will be provided using cards representing the potential murderers, weapons, and rooms. With so many potential outcomes, the possibilities, and laughs, are endless! You’ll enjoy comic antics, witty lyrics, beguiling music, and audience participation, all on a board game come to life.

At the helm of this production are Josie French of Lewiston as director and Ginger Smith of Winthrop as assistant director. Rounding out the team are: Emily Carlton (Fairfield) choreographer; Kayla Newmeyer (Auburn) props mistress; Allie Thaller (Manchester) stage manager; Matthew Conklin (Turner) lighting design; Joshua Conklin (Turner) sound design; Nancy Kenneally (Lewiston) print media; and Adam Dawes producer (Lewiston).

The cast of “CLUE The Musical” includes: Owen Lewis (Damariscotta) as Mr. Boddy, Angela Quirion (Wiscasset) as Miss Scarlett, Josh McDonald-Cozman (Norway) as Mr. Green, Mary Freeman (South Paris) as Mrs. White, Hannah Hanson (Waterville) as Mrs. Peacock, Jane Mitchell (Greene) as Professor Plum, Ken Mansur as Colonel Mustard, Debby Mansur as The Detective and Kyle Mansur as the handyman (all of Auburn).

For more information, or to purchase tickets, email the theater at, call 207-370-9566, or visit


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