Jacques J. Rancourt Submitted photo

An afternoon with poet Jacques J. Rancourt continues the Authors Series with a reading from his full-length collection, “Brocken Spectre,” at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 15, at the Denmark Arts Center. This reading with be on a Saturday – different from the usually Sunday presentations – and it is the last talk in the 2022 Authors Series. It’s a Books & Beer type of season – sit back, sip and savor the spoken word. Concessions are available.

“Brocken Spectre,” by Jacques J. Rancourt Submitted photo

Jacques J. Rancourt was born in southern Maine and spent his formative years in an off-the-grid cabin near the mouth of the 100-mile wilderness, the Appalachian Trail’s northern terminus. He attended the University of Maine at Farmington, where he received a B.A. in English and a B.F.A. in Creative Writing. Rancourt earned an M.F.A. in Poetry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His first full-length collection, “Novena,” won the Lena-Miles Wever Todd prize, selected by Hadara Bar-Nadav, and was published in 2017 from Pleiades Press. A chapbook of poems, “In the Time of PrEP,” was published the following year as the inaugural title in the Chad Walsh chapbook series from the Beloit Poetry Journal. His second full-length collection, “Brocken Spectre,” is an editor’s choice selection for the Alice James Award and was published in 2021.

He has published individual poems in magazines such as AGNI, Boston Review, Georgia Review, Kenyon Review, Missouri Review, New England Review, Ploughshares, Southern Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, and ZYZZYVA. His work has been featured in Poetry Daily, From the Fishouse, and the San Francisco Chronicle, as well as in the Best of the Net and Best New Poets anthologies. And he is the recipient of a Wallace Stegner Fellowship from Stanford University, a Halls Emerging Artist Fellowship from the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing, a five-month residency from the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, France, and scholarships from the Bread Loaf and Sewanee Writers’ Conferences.

The Denmark Arts Center is an award-winning 501(c)3 cultural organization founded in 1994 in the rural community of Denmark. Housed in the town’s historic 1883 Odd Fellows Hall, the DAC offers year-round events and workshops in contemporary dance, theater, music and visual art to community members young and old. DAC is at 50 West Main St., Denmark. For more information, visit http://www.denmarkarts.org.

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