Party affiliation:


Social media accounts:

Farmer and logger

Graduate of Mt. Blue High School, attended college at the Wentworth Institute for Technology and Central Maine Community College

Community Organizations:
Wilton town selectman, nine years; Planning Board, 19 years; past president, Wilton Lions Club; member, Wilton Fish and Game Club; past USDA farm service committee member; director and past vice president, Franklin County Farm Bureau; director, Farmington Farmers Union; member, Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine and Maine Woodland Owners.

Personal information (hobbies, etc.):
Avid hunter and fisherman. Gardening and spending with family.

Family status:
Married to  Susan for 50 years; four children, 10 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren

Years in the Legislature:


Committee assignments (if elected):
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry


Define what “success” would look like if you are elected to serve your district.
Everyone would have low energy costs, businesses have full employment and fewer government regulations. Our forest products industry would be sustained and our seniors would have the health care and facilities they need and deserve.

Characterize your view on public access to governmental business.
The Legislative Branch is available to the public, but I do wish constituents had more access to the Executive Branch offices.

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