Party affiliation:
Social media accounts:
Senator Craig Hickman, FB; HickmanintheSenate, Instagram
Organic farmer and small business owner, Annabessacook Farm
Harvard University, Bachelor’s Degree in Government
Community Organizations:
Winthrop Area Rotary Club, past president; Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, Board of Directors; Peter Alfond Prevention & Healthy Living Center, Advisory Board; member, Sons of the American Legion, Post #40; member, Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine
Personal information (hobbies, etc.):
I am a poet, author, artist, and chef. I enjoy camping, hiking, fishing, stargazing, gardening, cooking, putting up food, listening to jazz, and watching Westerns.
Family status:
Jop Blom
Years in the Legislature:
Committee assignments (if elected):
Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs, Labor and Housing
Define what “success” would look like if you are elected to serve your district.
As a lifelong advocate for human rights, civil liberties, personal freedoms, and justice for all, success means that I will continue uniting people to create equitable and just public policy that recognizes the dignity and worth of every human personality and moves us to a place where all Maine people have the social and economic opportunity to be free. Free from hunger and poverty. Free from violence and addiction and abuse. Free from oppression and discrimination and institutional bias. Free from financial ruin on account of debt, a serious accident, or a chronic illness. Free from tyranny and deception and greed. Free from state interference in personal matters and private decisions.
Success means that I will continue to strengthen communities and make life better for people. It means always giving voice to those who cry in the dark. The sick, the hungry, and the poor. The invisible, the silence, and the scorned. The insecure, the isolated, and the forlorn.
Success means that I will continue to respond to constituents whenever they reach out, no matter the issue or concern. I will remain civil in the face of incivility, refuse to scapegoat any group of people for any reason whatsoever, and carefully choose words befitting the office to which I have been elected.
Success means that I will continue — with creativity, authenticity, and integrity — to unite people, solve problems, and promote liberty and justice across partisan and ideological lines on behalf of the hardworking people of my district.
Characterize your view on public access to governmental business.
Transparency, transparency, transparency. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Unfettered access to the people’s business cultivates trust in the institutions of this great experiment that is American democracy. Virtual access to official proceedings must forever remain an option for bearing witness to our work. The people we represent deserve nothing less.
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