Party affiliation:

Social media accounts:
None listed

Retired professor


Community Organizations:
Since moving to Vassalboro in 2020: forming/chairing Vassalboro Broadband committee (ad hoc); working with the Kennebec County Connectors (affiliated with Maine Connectivity Authority); engaged with ME AARP

Personal information (hobbies, etc.):
I retired in 2019 (professor, Biomedical Sciences, University of New England). My partner of 40 years and I had a high efficiency home built (surrounded by solar panels and native flowers/plants). We sail the coast of Maine in the summers and snowshoe/cross country ski in the winter (always with dogs).

Family status:
Partner, Mary Schwanke

Years in the Legislature:


Committee assignments (if elected):
Environment and Natural Resources, Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services, Education and Cultural Affairs, Marine Resources, Energy, Utilities and Technology


1) Define what “success” would look like if you are elected to serve your district.
As a research scientist I studied the link between diabetes and heart disease. As a teacher, I helped educate the next generation of doctors, nurses, and other health care providers. As a lifelong sailor along the coast of Maine, I have seen firsthand the destructive effects of climate change on our coastal communities and marine life. These experiences have given me an understanding of the connections between our environment, our economy, our educational and health care systems. Achieving and maintaining a healthy environment that supports a good quality of life for all people is one of my top priorities and includes being a good steward of the planet as well as our community. I hope to bring my expertise in health sciences, data analyses, and critical thinking to the State legislature.

Success would be to find sustainable solutions to achieve these goals:
• Create good paying jobs in new and traditional sectors such as health care, energy, eco-tourism, broadband, services for seniors;
• Protect our environment in support of our economy and health/wealth fare of our residents;
• Strengthen education opportunities so every student has access and can graduate with skills needed for our new economy; and
• Affordable access to high quality health care, prescription drugs, broadband, childcare, education

2) Characterize your view on public access to governmental business.
I firmly believe in open access to legislative actions and opportunities for public input on any legislation being developed/considered. Individuals need to have a reasonable platform as do the lobbyists. I also firmly believe that there should be transparency in governmental contracts, prior to them becoming binding.

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