Since Paul LePage is running another anti-income tax campaign for Maine governor, it’s time to dust off the history books and delve into “The Great New Hampshire Tax Myth,” for it’s at the root of most of our national tax dilemmas, as well of those of New England states and, well, Maine.

The theory, like all anti-tax theories, is easily stated: Starting in the 1970s, when Maine adopted a progressive income tax and New Hampshire booted out a governor who proposed one, New Hampshire has grown in population, business and prosperity, while Maine has withered on the vine.

Unlike most myths, it really doesn’t have a grain of truth — it’s almost entirely false — but that hasn’t prevented its substantial adoption in the minds of politicians and voters in both states, mostly because no one musters the energy to refute it.

Parts of the myth, as least in Maine, are of recent origin. Here are two:

A recent letter to the editor, proclaiming the “New Hampshire advantage” once again, said Maine has a top rate of 8.5%; it does not. It was lowered to 7.95% early in the LePage administration, and then to 7.15%; both times, Democrats voted to make it happen.

More substantively, several reporters think LePage never agreed to raise the sales tax to lower the income tax — also wrong. The sales tax was increased to 5.5% “temporarily,” then permanently.


So Maine is replacing progressive income tax dollars paid by the wealthiest taxpayers with regressive sales tax dollars paid by everyone — but disproportionately by poor and working-class residents. Yes, Democrats voted for that, too.

It’s the myth that keeps on giving. But to get at its roots, you have to go further back. In 1969, Maine’s progressive governor, Ken Curtis, and some enlightened Republicans, including House Leader Harrison Richardson and Senate Leader Bennett Katz, pushed through an income tax with a top rate of 6%, later raised to 10% by bipartisan votes.

Meanwhile, New Hampshire Gov. Walter Peterson, noticing a trend — Rhode Island, Connecticut and half a dozen other states were adopting income taxes — said he’d consider one as he ran for re-election in 1972.

Enter William Loeb, the autocratic publisher of the Manchester Union Leader, who found his own candidate, amiable lawbook publisher Meldrim Thomson, to oppose the tax. Thomson beat Peterson by 2,000 votes, and narrowly bested a Democrat in November; the “tax pledge” was born.

Candidates pledge to oppose any general sales or income tax, and most statewide candidates take it. New Hampshire has, however, long taxed “unearned income” — interest and dividends; go figure.

By the 21st century, Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan was promoting “the New Hampshire Advantage” at every opportunity.


But is it true? For a time, it did seem to be.

Maine grew rapidly during Curtis’s decade, faster than the national average, with healthy gains into the 1980s. But growth stagnated in the 1990s as New Hampshire continued to grow.

Yet since the turn of the century, New Hampshire also has minimal population growth. Despite confident predictions it would easily surpass Maine, the two states today have exactly the same population.

State taxes are really not the likely explanation for growth and stagnation in either state. What drove Maine’s growth was the “back to the land” movement, an influx of young people for the first time in more than a century.

In New Hampshire, it was primarily suburbanization and “sprawl” as high-tech companies from Massachusetts sought cheap land and an available work force across the border in Nashua for expansion. That boom lasted longer, but it too eventually played out.

Since 2000, it’s the return of young people to cities and their suburbs driving growth — as witnessed in Portland, and, in Vermont, Burlington. Even today, 75% of New Hampshire’s population lies in four southern counties.


That doesn’t mean there aren’t substantial differences between state governments. New Hampshire, having little revenue, provides precious little support to public schools, and much of that is reallocated property tax dollars.

If you live in property-rich cities like Concord or Portsmouth, you’re in luck. If you live in countless small, property-poor towns, you’ll have a badly funded school, low teacher salaries, and sky-high property taxes.

In Maine, Gov. Janet Mills has just funded an astonishing 55% of all accredited school expenses statewide. It may not be sustainable, but it’s impressive, and means that educational opportunity is broadly distributed here.

There are countless other contrasts, from mental health, public health, support for rural clinics, and on down the list of departments and programs.

Perhaps it’s not just about taxes, after all.

Douglas Rooks, a Maine editor, commentator and reporter since 1984, is the author of three books. His first, “Statesman: George Mitchell and the Art of the Possible,” is now out in paperback.  He welcomes comment at

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