FARMINGTON — A New Sharon man was indicted Wednesday, accused of choking and beating a woman at his home and damaging a vehicle last November.

Darryl Forgione, 39, was charged by a Franklin County grand jury with felony aggravated assault and domestic violence terrorizing with a dangerous weapon, and misdemeanor charges of domestic violence assault and criminal mischief.

County Deputy Tyler Gray wrote in an affidavit filed in a Farmington court that he responded to a report of an assault about 3:44 a.m. Nov. 29, 2021, made by a caller who brought a woman and her daughter to Franklin Memorial Hospital. The caller said he and Forgione had been at a bachelor party at a strip club in Jay where Forgione had about seven drinks.

The caller drove to Forgione’s house to see if he made it home OK and found him beating a woman, who came outside “screaming in pain” and saying “‘he’s going to kill me, he’s going to kill me,” The woman and a child got into the caller’s truck, which the caller said Forgione hit with a shovel, broke the windshield and driver-side rear window, and dented a door and front fender, according to Gray’s statement.

Lt. Detective David St. Laurent interviewed the woman at the hospital. She said when Forgione got to his home he “grabbed her by the throat” so she couldn’t breathe and punched her several times. She had several broken ribs and a possible lacerated spleen and was being taken to Maine Medical Center in Portland, St. Laurent advised Gray.

Gray and Deputy Andrew Morgan met with Forgione about 7 a.m. the same day, when Forgione told Gray his buddy had taken him to a strip club and he got trashed. He said he didn’t remember much when he got home.

A conviction for aggravated assault is punishable by up to 10 years in prison; for terrorizing, up to five years in prison; for misdemeanor charges, up to 364 days in jail.

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