I’m a conservative who values individual liberty, hard work, and freedom for all. These values are at the core of the Republican Party — and why I believe we should be standing up against discrimination when we see it.

While Maine has laws on the books that prevent LGBTQ discrimination, I was astounded to learn that it is still legal in roughly half of our country to prevent a same-sex couple from renting a home or checking into a hotel. It is still legal in dozens of states to prevent a gay person from getting a credit card or serving on a jury.

The only way to ensure that discrimination is illegal no matter what state you’re in, is for Congress to pass a federal law ensuring equal rights. While the House has passed the Equality Act, it doesn’t have the support it needs to pass the Senate. Sen. Susan Collins has repeatedly bridged gaps between parties to push legislation across the finish line and can do so on this issue — something that I implore her to do.

All Americans should live without fear of discrimination no matter their sexual orientation. Our senior senator has the skill and the respect of her colleagues to get the job done and Maine Republicans should stand with her.

Corey Wilson


(Editor’s note: Wilson is the Republican nominee for the November election in House District 57, representing Readfield and Winthrop.)

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