NEW SHARON — The town is getting a new fire truck following a referendum Tuesday.

In a series of three questions, voters approved a $255,000 purchase for a 2009 Pierce fire rescue truck with 150 yes votes, 69 no, and 6 blanks. But due to 4.41% interest, the cost will come to $295,129.98. As a result, $49,188.33 payments will be incorporated into future budgets until 2028.

The 2009 firetruck has 8,500 miles and 1,200 engine hours and will replace a 1984 GMC Engine 2 truck, which voters authorized the Select Board to sell via sealed bid.

Money from that sale will then replenish the Fire Truck Reserve Fund, from which voters authorized the town to appropriate $45,000 as a down payment for the new truck.

Unrelated, voters also authorized the sale of a tow-behind grader owned by the town under terms and conditions advised by selectmen.

The final two questions would, in past years, not have normally needed residents’ approval. At New Sharon’s annual Town Meeting in March, voters rejected an article approved in previous years that would give selectmen power to dispose of town personal property as they deem advisable due to concerns over what would be sold.

As a result, the board has to get approval before selling any town property.

However, Town Clerk Pamela Adams said she believed the board would have asked for approval on selling the second firetruck anyway to “to make clear to the voters what their intentions are with that” sale and replenishing the reserve fund.

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